Domestic Violence Services
We provide domestic violence services to individuals and their children who are experiencing abuse, as well as educational groups for partners who are abusive.
There are many different forms of domestic violence.
The frequency and severity of the violence may vary dramatically, but the one constant component of domestic violence is one partner’s consistent efforts to maintain power and control over the other.
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are experiencing domestic violence.
Does your partner:
Push or hit you, or restrain you from leaving? That’s physical abuse.
Call you names and put you down? That’s verbal abuse.
Demand control over your money? That’s financial abuse.
Make you feel like you are crazy? That’s mental abuse.
Keep you isolated from family and friends? That’s emotional abuse.
Pressure you into sex or unwanted sexual behaviors? That’s sexual abuse.
Our goal is to work with the whole family to stop domestic violence.
Whether you are in need of emergency shelter or counseling, we are ready to answer your call. Scroll down to explore the services available to you.
Free Emergency Shelter at Passage House
Passage House Shelter provides free emergency shelter in a confidential location to individuals experiencing domestic violence and their children.
Passage House Shelter is a fifteen-bed domestic violence shelter located in a secure, confidential location in Niagara County. The shelter is staffed 24/7 and someone is available to respond any time of day or night. Individuals do not need to reside in Niagara County to receive this service. Passage Domestic Violence Services offers help in a safe, secure, comfortable, home-like setting so that the healing process can begin.
One-on-One Domestic Violence Counseling
Domestic Violence Counseling Services are provided free to individuals in Niagara County who have experienced abuse. Individuals experiencing domestic violence can receive counseling services by appointment in their homes, at our main office, or in another location where they feel safe.
This program empowers survivors of abuse to feel more in control and to make choices that will keep them and their children safe. Through one-on-one counseling, they set goals; work toward a greater understanding of domestic violence including personal safety, self-esteem, boundaries and healthy relationships; and begin to take steps to remain safe whether they remain in the relationship or decide to leave.
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Domestic Violence Support Groups are offered for individuals who have experienced abusive relationships. It is extremely important that they realize that they are not alone in their struggles. Support Groups provide a safe place to learn from others and to share and support each other in ways that help them grow and heal from an abusive relationship.
Children’s Support Groups are offered to children who have witnessed domestic violence AND whose parent is supportive and engaged in counseling. Children’s groups are held at the same time as the adult groups.
Advocates for Domestic Violence Survivors
Through the Community Advocacy Project (CAP), individuals experiencing abuse and their families spend up to 10 weeks paired with a CAP Advocate who helps them navigate and access the community resources they need to seek safety and build a future free from abuse.
The CAP Team includes the CAP Coordinator, a shelter advocate, and trained student advocates from local universities. This service is survivor-driven with the CAP Advocates serving as navigators for the individual and their family in the community. The CAP Advocate will meet with the survivor and assess their individual needs and the needs of their family. During the 10-week period, the CAP Advocate will also teach positive skills and model behaviors to help the survivor continue safe, healthy living.
Women As Offenders Group
A 16-week Educational Group is available for women who are abusive in their intimate relationships.
Women are referred to the group by the courts, Niagara County Department of Social Services, community agencies, or may join the group as self-referrals. The group focuses on taking personal accountability for behavior, learning ways to have healthy relationships, and learning techniques to handle stress, anger, and other emotions.
The underlying philosophy of the group is that violent behavior is learned and that individuals choose to use violence. Therefore, they can learn new and alternative ways to live and to behave in order to build healthy relationships in the future.
Niagara County Jail Domestic Violence Group
Pathways (Personal Accountability Toward Healthy Ways) is an education program, provided in a group setting, for men and women in the Niagara County Jail who are physically and/or psychologically abusive in their intimate relationships.
Through an emphasis on personal responsibility, participants examine their use of abusive behaviors and the beliefs which underlie them. Men and women in the groups are given the opportunity to learn and to practice new interpersonal skills for developing more equitable and respectful relationships. The group discusses topics like communication skills, anger management, partnership, trust and support, alternatives to violence, respect, and parenting.